Posted on 12 11 2022

Installing LED lighting Provides Value.

Property investment is a business, and profit is the ultimate driver. However, LED lighting is valuable in many ways that provide homeowners with an advantage they may not be considering.

LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are different from incandescent lights in several ways. They are more efficient and versatile, and they last longer. Unlike incandescent lighting, which emits light and heat in all directions, LEDs are directional light sources. They do not waste energy creating heat. This makes them 90% more efficient in a multitude of applications and has a considerably longer life.

There is a list of features that contribute to the value of LED lighting for homeowners. One key value is the reduction in running costs. Homeowners are becoming increasingly energy-conscious, and properties with LED lighting are more attractive to buyers. Properties with LED lighting have a competitive advantage.

Another big value is an LED’s extended lifespan of up to 50,000 plus hours, which makes constant light bulb replacement a thing of the past. Property owners with LED lighting will spend less time and money on lighting overall.

According to consumer reports in the UK, installing LED lighting can add up to 3% to the value of a property. That’s due to a combination of LED durability and aesthetics. Potential property buyers like that the lighting will last a couple of decades and that LEDs are visually more attractive than alternatives. They are also more driven than ever to make energy-efficient choices. Some international energy efficiency authorities claim that for every $1, a property owner invests in energy efficiency. They could expect a $3 increase in property value.

LED lighting can be installed in any number of applications inside individual homes and for motion sensors and security lighting in common areas where clearer light provides better security. If security cameras operate in the same area, LED lighting will provide a more dynamic resolution and clarity to the video footage.

The benefits of LED lighting include the following.
● Long Lifespan.
● Energy Efficiency.
● Improved Environmental Performance.
● The Ability to Operate in Cold Conditions.
● No Heat or UV Emissions.
● Design Flexibility.
● Instant Lighting and the Ability to Withstand Frequent Switching.
● Low Voltage Operation.

If you're upgrading/ modernising an area in your home, LED lighting can help brighten and bring that space to life. Contact the Greenside team if you would like to discuss more ways to increase the return on your rental property.


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