Posted on 26 08 2024

Is Your Home Making You Sick? The Connection Between Insulation, Ventilation, and Your Health

Our homes should be our safe havens—where you and your family can relax and feel secure. But did you know that inadequate insulation and poor ventilation could be silently compromising your health?

Asthma is a widespread concern in Aotearoa. According to the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand, one in eight adults and one in seven children are affected by asthma. This means that over 700,000 Kiwis are living with this condition. Exposure to damp, mouldy environments—often the result of poor insulation and ventilation—can exacerbate asthma symptoms and lead to more frequent attacks​.

How Poor Insulation Affects Your Health

Poor insulation allows heat to escape during winter, creating a colder, damp environment that's particularly troublesome during the colder months. Dampness is a significant issue because it creates the perfect breeding ground for mould and mildew.

The spores that mould and mildew release are known to trigger and exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and various allergic reactions.

Poor Ventilation: The Silent Threat

Without proper ventilation, moisture becomes trapped in your home, leading to higher humidity levels. This excessive moisture further encourages mould growth, which is known to cause or worsen respiratory conditions.

According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to damp and mouldy environments increases the risk of developing respiratory symptoms and respiratory infections and exacerbates asthma.

Take Action: Improve Your Home's Insulation and Ventilation

If you're concerned about how your home's insulation and ventilation may be impacting your health, it's time to act. Here at Greenside Energy Solutions, we offer thorough assessments and tailored services to enhance your home's insulation and ventilation, making your living environment both safer and more comfortable.

Plus, thanks to the Warmer Kiwi Homes grant, you could receive up to 80% off the cost of ceiling and underfloor insulation, plus subsidies for efficient heating solutions like heat pumps. This initiative makes upgrading your home more accessible and affordable, helping you create a healthier environment for you and your family.

At GreenSide, we also provide a range of ventilation systems tailored to your home's needs, including:

  • Heat Transfer Systems: These systems transfer excess heat from one room, such as a living room with a fireplace, to other colder rooms in your home, ensuring an even distribution of warmth and reducing the need for additional heating.
  • Positive Pressure Ventilation Systems (SAYR): This system draws fresh air from outside and gently pushes it through your home, replacing stale, damp air with fresh, dry air. It's an effective way to reduce moisture and improve overall air quality.

Combining effective insulation with ventilation solutions can significantly reduce the risk of dampness, mould, and associated health issues.

Call us today to schedule a free home energy assessment or visit our website to learn more about our insulation and ventilation services.

Don't let your home be a source of illness—take steps to ensure it's a safe and healthy place to live.



As an Owner-Occupier You May Be Eligible for a Warmer Kiwi Homes Subsidy