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Maintain your rental’s heat pumps for healthy homes compliance

In this article, we’ll talk about the heating standard and specifically, how to deal with heat pump maintenance to ensure your property stays compliant.

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17 November 2021

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New landlord property checklist

If you’ve recently become a landlord or are thinking about buying a rental property, you need to be aware of the Healthy Homes Standards. Here’s a summary of the things to check to ensure your rental is up to scratch.

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20 October 2021

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Everything you need to know about LED lighting

If your power bill is eye-wateringly high even in summer, check your lightbulbs. If you’re still lighting your home with halogen or incandescent bulbs, they could account for up to 40 percent of your monthly power bill.

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20 October 2021

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Renovating Rental Properties and the Healthy Homes Standards

When it comes to renovating rental properties, landlords need to ensure that any changes to a property will meet Healthy Homes Standards requirements. As well as ensuring the property is compliant, landlords also have administrative requirements to record and provide documentation to prove these Standards have been met.

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20 September 2021

As an Owner-Occupier You May Be Eligible for a Warmer Kiwi Homes Subsidy