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Tips for Reducing Excess Moisture in your Home

Moisture and condensation in your home can cause a range of problems for you and your family. Dampness is the perfect breeding ground for mould, which is harmful to your health and highly damaging to the structure of your home itself.

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20 September 2021

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What Happens When A Rental Property Isn’t Compliant

Insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress and drainage, heating, and draught stopping are five things that have occupied the minds of most rental property owners and tenants. But what happens when a property isn’t compliant with the Healthy Home Standards? Many landlords could be left open to hefty financial penalties if they don’t comply or aren’t aware of what they could potentially be stung with.

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17 August 2021

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6 Budget Friendly Heating Tips for Your Home

With New Zealand recently experiencing significant drops in temperature, it can only mean one thing: significant rises in energy bills. This month, we even saw electricity demands reach an all-time high as Kiwi’s around the country shield themselves from the cold and try to stay warm in their homes. Heating homes often comes at a high cost. However, to avoid the dread of opening your electricity bill, there are budget-friendly measures you can take that help keep your home warm.

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17 August 2021

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Managing Damp in Rental Properties

Condensation, caused by excess levels of moisture and damp, allow for the ideal breeding ground for mould. When mould forms, it has significant negative effects on properties and tenants alike. From deterioration of the home to severe respiratory illnesses, the effects caused by damp form a lengthy list. However, the list of solutions to prevent such events from occurring is relatively short in comparison.

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14 July 2021

As an Owner-Occupier You May Be Eligible for a Warmer Kiwi Homes Subsidy